OJ Simpson definitely knew how to scare the children this Halloween - by dressing up as himself.

The disgraced former American football player and actor, who did nine years for armed robbery, was only released from prison earlier this month, so he had little time to plan his costume.

So the 70 year old donned one of his old Buffalo Bills jerseys and carried an American football to hand out sweets at his new Las Vegas home.

OJ has been staying at the residence since he left the Nevada jail where he was serving time.

OJ Simpson dressed up as himself for Halloween (


Splash News)
He handed out sweets at his Las Vegas home (


Splash News)

And it looks like his new neighbours have welcomed him with open arms as they let their children trick or treat at his house.

Earlier this month, OJ left prison and was set free at 12.08am on 1st October to keep his exit low-key.

OJ was ­driven from the Nevada jail to an unknown destination.

But as the 70-year-old left, his plans to return to a cushy life at his Florida mansion were facing strong opposition.

The state's attorney general, Pam Bondi, sent a letter to her Department of Corrections, urging it to tell Nevada officials that Florida objects to Simpson serving his parole there.

OJ Simpson signs on dotted line as he is released (



She said in a statement: "Floridians are well aware of Mr Simpson's background, his wanton disregard for the lives of others, and of his scofflaw attitude with respect to the heinous acts for which he has been found civilly liable.

"The spectre of his residing in Florida should not be an option. Numerous law enforcement officials agree. Our state should not become a country club for this convicted criminal."

OJ Simpson and his walk to freedom (


Nevada Department of Corrections)

Simpson was sentenced to up to 33 years in 2008 for a botched Las Vegas hotel robbery but won parole in July.

His release had been expected but officials at Lovelock Correctional Centre, 90 miles east of Reno, said they had him leave under the cover of night "in an effort to ensure public safety and reduce the potential for incident".

O.J. Simpson and Nicole Brown Simpson pose at a premiere (


Archive Photos)

Simpson, nicknamed The Juice as an athlete, wore full denim with white trainers and hid his face with a blue cap as he left. He had sipped on a soft drink while signing his release forms, then waited until a prison guard called: "Come on out".

He said "OK" before walking out with his head bowed.

A car was waiting but Nevada State prisons spokeswoman Brooke Keast did not know who met him, adding: "I don't have information on where he's going."

Before his release, lawyer Malcolm LaVergne said: "He wants to go to Florida, he wants to see his family. He wants to eat seafood. He wants to eat steak. He wants to enjoy simple pleasures he hasn't in nine years... and he wants to do that in Florida."

OJ Simpson at his Trial in 1995 (


Sunday Mercury)

Simpson moved to the Sunshine State in 2000, five years after he was acquitted of the 1994 murders of ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson, 35, and Ronald Goldman, 25. He was found liable for their deaths in a civil case in 1997 and ordered to pay the victims' families $33.5million (£25million).

A Goldman family attorney said the judgement amount has nearly doubled with interest to more than $65million and they continue to seek payment.

Ron Goldman was killed (


Press Association)

Legal experts claim Simpson moved to Florida as the law there gives him additional protections, making it easier for him to keep his house and other assets.

Simpson is expected to be able to return to a millionaire lifestyle.

He reportedly has £3.7million in contributions to a retirement plan run by the Screen Actor's Guild, while his American football pension is £18,660 a month. Pal Tom Scotto said he also put £3.7 million into a private pension.