How to Play Bob Ross the Art of Chill

Hither's your inarguable fact of the twenty-four hours: Bob Ross was and is a national treasure. He spent 11 years spreading the "Joy of Painting" to PBS viewers mesmerized by the flicks of his wrist on canvass (and, well, people who just wanted to take a nap, encounter below), and remains an Internet sensation today. But there was much more than to the man than his soothing, soft-spoken voice and cheery landscapes.

i. He discovered his penchant for painting while serving in the Air Force.

In ninth class, Ross dropped out of high school, and at 18 he enlisted in the Air Strength. Based in Alaska, he took his first painting class in Anchorage, and was "hooked" immediately — but information technology would be awhile earlier art became his total-time gig. It was xx years before he left service. He said "the chore requires you lot to be a mean, tough, person. And I was fed up with it." Talk nearly a total 180 — afterwards his military days, Ross essentially made a career out of never being mean or raising his vox once again.

2. He didn't love his signature haircut.

Afterward his Air Force days, Ross devoted himself to a career educational activity art lessons — a pursuit that didn't leave him then affluent in the starting time. So he permed his hair and let it abound to save coin on haircuts. Eventually he grew to dislike the look, but information technology was such a part of his brand, that he kept it up — and even wore a wig to maintain his frizz when he was treated for cancer.

3. He was missing a finger.

As a teen, while working equally a carpenter with his father, his left index finger was a casualty of the job. But, since he held the palette with his left hand to pigment, you lot need to look closely to spot it.

iv. His paintings with cabins almost never had chimneys.

In an interview with Five Thirty Viii, Annette Kowalski, Ross's business partner, revealed that while Ross loved painting the Alaskan landscape, he never wanted whatever signs of people in his artwork. (Though eagle-eyed FiveThirtyEight readers have pointed out that he didn't always adhere to this dominion — they spotted some chimneys in earlier episodes, like this one, below.)

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5. Ross completed 403 (!) episodes of The Joy of Painting.

To put that in perspective, Dallas only ran for 357 episodes, Murder She Wrote ran for 264, and Grey'south Beefcake (which has basically been on forever) has only so far aired 248 episodes.

6. People loved Ross'due south calming demeanor and painting fashion so much, Holland establish a manner to piece of work information technology into a radio (radio!) evidence.

Nosotros feel like we have to say that once more: A radio show. Virtually watching (hearing?) a homo paint. And Ross himself wasn't even the subject field of the testify — a Ross-certified instructor would paint a pic while a DJ played the latest hitting tunes. In between songs, the DJ would ask inquire how the painter'south "happy petty copse" were coming along.

7. He had a squirrel named Peapod.

Ross loved animals, and was oft fatigued to creatures that needed assistance – even an alligator, which his female parent once found him tending to in the bathroom of their Florida domicile.

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8. Ross believed that he completed nigh 30,000 paintings in his lifetime.

And he didn't sell any of the ones he fabricated on the evidence. Instead, many were donated to PBS stations effectually the country, which would auction them off as fundraisers.

nine. He didn't make a cent from his TV serial.

Information technology'south difficult to believe, merely the shows acted more as an advertisement vehicle for Ross'due south line of painting kits and art lessons (his company was worth $15 one thousand thousand in 1991, reported the New York Times). So he did the shows for free — and since he could bang out an unabridged season in just a couple of days, it didn't price him much in fourth dimension spent either.

Bob Ross

Acey Harper Getty Images

ten. Ross loved that his show was actually putting people to sleep.

Many fans would be embarrassed to admit that they'd flip the television to Bob when they wanted to accept a little snooze, but the media manager for Bob Ross, Inc. once revealed to the New York Times that Ross didn't mind at all.

eleven. He was just 52 when he died.

Sadly, it was lymphoma that took his life. But his fame is still so pervasive that the headquarters of Bob Ross, Inc. (which still sells Bob Ross painting tools), volition go phone calls from fans meekly asking well-nigh "rumors" that he died, according to the New York Times.

12. You tin can still scout him paint whenever y'all want!

The Joy of Painting still appears on Television set in certain markets, simply the phenomenon of the Internet means nosotros'll always only be a few clicks away from good ol' Bob. His company recently uploaded many episodes onto Youtube — even the very first 1.

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Senior Web Editor Overseeing all things home for and, Lauren swoons over midcentury design and employs tough-beloved approach to decluttering (but throw information technology abroad, ladies).

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